Spells List
Here you will find a list of every spell or talkaction currently active in the server.
- Buy House - "!buyhouse"- Say this in front of the house door to buy it, you need to have enough money in your backpack.
- Sell House - "!sellhouse" + " "+ player name - Say this to sell your house.
- Leave House - "!leavehouse" - Say this in front of the house door to leave it.
- Server Information -"!serverinfo"- Displays the server information.
- Players Online -"!online"- Displays all online player and shows their levels.
- Up Time -"!uptime"- Displays the hours that the server have been online.
Default Spells:
- Climbing - "retto" - Lvl: 30 - Mana: 50 - *Premium* - It allows you to climb a vertical wall or a hole.
- Find Person - "exiva "+ " "+ player name - Lvl: 40 - Mana: 20 - It allows you to know where a player is located.
Herbalist Spells:
- Herbal Light Healing - "asea envinyata" - Lvl: 1 - Mana: 20 - It heals you.
- Herbal Antidote - "asea hloima envinyata" - Lvl: 5 - Mana: 30 - It cures poison (Not working for now).
- Herbal Hit Points Boost - "asea coi" - Lvl: 10 - Mana: 100 - gives you 30% more hitpoints for 10 minutes.
- Herbal Sword Boost - "asea macil" - Lvl: 10 - Mana: 100 - gives you 10% more sword skill for 10 minutes.
- Herbal Axe Boost - "asea hathol" - Lvl: 10 - Mana: 100 - gives you 10% more axe skill for 10 minutes.
- Herbal Club Boost - "asea grond" - Lvl: 10 - Mana: 100 - gives you 10% more club skill for 10 minutes.
- Herbal Distance Boost - "asea palan" - Lvl: 10 - Mana: 100 - gives you 10% more distance skill for 10 minutes.
- Herbal Shielding Boost - "asea sanda" - Lvl: 10 - Mana: 100 - gives you 15% more shielding skill for 10 minutes.
Herbalist Runes:
- Herbal Paralyze Rune - "asea halcin certa" - Lvl: 15 , Mlvl: 5 - Mana: 120 - This rune allows you to slow your target for 10 seconds.
- Herbal Poison Rune - "asea hloima certa" - Lvl: 15 , Mlvl: 5 - Mana: 120 - This rune allows you to strongly poison your target.
- Herbal Healing Rune - "asea envinyata certa" - Lvl: 15 , Mlvl: 5 - Mana: 120 - This rune allows you to heal your target.
- Herbal Strong Paralyze Rune - "asea turca halcin certa" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 15 - Mana: 250 - This rune allows you to greatly slow your target for 10 seconds.
- Herbal Strong Poison Rune - "asea turca hloima certa" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 15 - Mana: 250 - This rune allows you to greatly poison your target.
- Herbal Strong Healing Rune - "asea turca envinyata certa" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 15 - Mana: 250 - This rune allows you to greatly heal your target.
- Herbal Light Explosion Rune - "asea milya narquelion" - Lvl: 30 , Mlvl: 15 - Mana: 200 - This rune allows you to do physical damage in a short area (cross).
- Herbal Wide Light Explosion Rune - "asea landa milya narquelion" - Lvl: 30 , Mlvl: 15 - Mana: 200 - This rune allows you to do physical damage in a a bigger area.
Martial Arts:
- Strong Strike - "turca pente" - Lvl: 30 - Mana: 50 - A single strong physical strike.
- Twisting Slash - "aucirhanc" - Lvl: 30 - Mana: 60 - A slash around you.
- Shield Wall - "thangail" - Lvl: 30 - Mana: 120 - Protect your self by rising your shielding skill to 300% for 8 seconds.
- Sharp Aim - "hendumaica" - Lvl: 30 - Mana: 150 - Rise your distance skill to 200 % for 8 seconds.
- Forced March - "nire eldo" - Lvl: 30 - Mana: 60 - Walk faster for 30 seconds.
- Spear Throw - "hatal pente" - Lvl: 40 - Mana: 50 - Extra spear throw.
- Warrior Rage - "mahtar" - Lvl: 40 - Mana: 150 - Rise your meele skills to 200 % for 8 seconds.
- Frontal Long Slash - "anda pente" - Lvl: 40 - Mana: 100 - A long heavy physical strike.
- Charge - "nor eldo" - Lvl: 40 - Mana: 100 - Walk really fast for 8 seconds.
Elemental Spells:
Fire Spells:
- Fire Strike - "nar pente" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 20 - Mana: 40 - A single fire strike.
- Fire Spear - "nar hatal" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 50 - A fire spear throw.
- Fire Beam - "nar ete" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 200 - A long fire beam.
- Twisting Fire Slash - "nar aucirhanc" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 60 - A fire slash around you.
- Fire Enchantment - "nar luce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Enchant your weapon or arrows with a fire gem.
- Fire Disenchantment - "nar nancarluce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Disenchant your weapon or arrows extracting a fire gem.
- Fire Missile Rune - "nar pente certa" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 250 - A rune that allows you to throw a fire shoot.
- Fire Explosion Rune - "nar milya narquelion" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 300 - A rune that allows you to throw a fire explosion of area damage.
Earth Spells:
- Earth Strike - "cen pente" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 20 - Mana: 40 - A single earth strike.
- Earth Spear - "cen hatal" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 50 - A earth spear throw.
- Earth Beam - "cen ete" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 200 - A long earth beam.
- Twisting Earth Slash - "cen aucirhanc" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 60 - A earth slash around you.
- Earth Enchantment - "cen luce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Enchant your weapon or arrows with an earth gem.
- Earth Disenchantment - "cen nancarluce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Disenchant your weapon or arrows extracting an earth gem.
- Earth Missile Rune - "cen pente certa" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 250 - A rune that allows you to throw an earth shoot.
- Earth Explosion Rune - "cen milya narquelion" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 300 - A rune that allows you to throw a earth explosion of area damage.
Wind Spells:
- Energy Strike - "sure pente" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 20 - Mana: 40 - A single energy strike.
- Energy Spear - "sure hatal" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 50 - A energy spear throw.
- Energy Beam - "sure ete" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 200 - A long energy beam.
- Twisting Energy Slash - "sure aucirhanc" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 60 - A energy slash around you.
- Energy Enchantment - "sure luce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Enchant your weapon or arrows with an energy gem.
- Energy Disenchantment - "sure nancarluce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Disenchant your weapon or arrows extracting an energy gem.
- Energy Missile Rune - "sure pente certa" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 250 - A rune that allows you to throw an energy shoot.
- Energy Explosion Rune - "sure milya narquelion" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 300 - A rune that allows you to throw a energy explosion of area damage.
Water Spells:
- Ice Strike - "nen pente" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 20 - Mana: 40 - A single ice strike.
- Ice Spear - "nen hatal" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 50 - A ice spear throw.
- Ice Beam - "nen ete" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 200 - A long ice beam.
- Twisting Ice Slash - "nen aucirhanc" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 60 - A ice slash around you.
- Ice Enchantment - "nen luce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Enchant your weapon or arrows with an ice gem.
- Ice Disenchantment - "nen nancarluce" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 120 - Disenchant your weapon or arrows extracting an ice gem.
- Ice Missile Rune - "nen pente certa" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 250 - A rune that allows you to throw an ice shoot.
- Ice Explosion Rune - "nen milya narquelion" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 300 - A rune that allows you to throw a ice explosion of area damage.
Life Spells:
- Life Strike - "coi pente" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 20 - Mana: 40 - A single life strike.
- Life Spear - "coi hatal" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 50 - A life spear throw.
- Life Beam - "coi ete" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 200 - A long life beam.
- Twisting Life Slash - "coi aucirhanc" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 60 - A life slash around you.
- Wisp Summon - "coi feaminte enyalie" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 400 - Summon a Wisp to help you fighting.
- Life Missile Rune - "coi pente certa" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 250 - A rune that allows you to throw an life shoot.
- Life Explosion Rune - "coi milya narquelion" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 300 - A rune that allows you to throw a life explosion of area damage.
Death Spells:
- Death Strike - "kurz kallog" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 20 - Mana: 40 - A single death strike.
- Death Spear - "kurz engan" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 50 - A death spear throw.
- Death Beam - "kurz gilt" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 200 - A long death beam.
- Twisting Death Slash - "kurz faglind" - Lvl: 50 - Mana: 60 - A death slash around you.
- Skeleton Legion - "kurz kafak ushtar" - Lvl: 40 , Mlvl: 30 - Mana: 300 - Use corpses to summon up to 6 skeleton minions.
- Death Missile Rune - "kurz ar kallog" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 250 - A rune that allows you to throw an death shoot.
- Death Explosion Rune - "kurz ar bubhosh kallog" - Lvl: 50 , Mlvl: 40 - Mana: 300 - A rune that allows you to throw a death explosion of area damage.
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